18 research outputs found

    Innovation through pertinent patents research based on physical phenomena involved

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    One can find innovative solutions to complex industrial problems by looking for knowledge in patents. Traditional search using keywords in databases of patents has been widely used. Currently, different computational methods that limit human intervention have been developed. We aim to define a method to improve the search for relevant patents in order to solve industrial problems and specifically to deduce evolution opportunities. The non-automatic, semi-automatic, and automatic search methods use keywords. For a detailed keyword search, we propose as a basis the functional decomposition and the analysis of the physical phenomena involved in the achievement of the function to fulfill. The search for solutions to design a bi-phasic separator in deep offshore shows the method presented in this paper

    MĂ©thodologie d’aide Ă  l’innovation par l’exploitation des brevets et des phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques impliquĂ©s

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    The aim of this thesis work is the development of a methodology for knowledge extraction from patents to assist design engineers in the industrial problem-solving phase. The methodology is based on three pillars: definition, search / analysis and innovation. A comprehensive definition of the main function of the industrial system delimits the research field and allows the retrieval of initial keywords through a detailed analysis of what is currently available. The iterative patent search is based on functional decomposition and physical analysis. The analysis phase uses energy functional decomposition to identify energies, transmitted functional flows and physical phenomena involved in the energy conversion process in order to select potentially relevant physical effects. To delineate the exploration field we formulate search queries from a keywords database composed by initial, physical, and technological keywords. A discovery matrix based on the intersections between these keywords allows the classification of pertinent patents. The research for innovation opportunities exploits the discovery matrix in order to decipher the evolutionary trends followed by inventions. Opportunities are deduced from an analysis of the discovery matrix empty cells, an analysis of the evolution trends, and from changing the concept by energy converter substitution. We propose evolution trends constructed from the evolution laws of TRIZ theory, design heuristics, and rules of the art of the engineering. An application case concerning the study of the evolution and the proposal of innovative biphasic separation systems in deep offshore highlights the method.L’objectif de ce travail de thĂšse est de dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thodologie d’extraction de connaissances Ă  partir de brevets pour aider les concepteurs dans la phase de rĂ©solution de problĂšmes industriels. La mĂ©thodologie est fondĂ©e sur trois piliers : la dĂ©finition, la recherche / analyse et l’innovation. La dĂ©finition exhaustive de la fonction principale du systĂšme industriel cible le champ de recherche et permet la rĂ©cupĂ©ration de mots clĂ©s initiaux grĂące Ă  une analyse approfondie de l’existant. La recherche itĂ©rative des brevets se base sur la dĂ©composition fonctionnelle et sur l’analyse physique. L’analyse intĂšgre la dĂ©composition fonctionnelle Ă©nergĂ©tique pour dĂ©celer les Ă©nergies, les flux fonctionnels transmis et les phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques impliquĂ©s dans le processus de conversion Ă©nergĂ©tique afin de sĂ©lectionner des effets physiques potentiellement pertinents. Pour dĂ©limiter le champ d’exploration nous formulons des requĂȘtes de recherche Ă  partir d’une base de donnĂ©es de mots clĂ©s constituĂ©e par des mots clĂ©s initiaux, des mots clĂ©s physiques et des mots clĂ©s technologiques. Une matrice des dĂ©couvertes basĂ©e sur les croisements entre ces mots clĂ©s permet le classement des brevets pertinents. La recherche des opportunitĂ©s d’innovation exploite la matrice des dĂ©couvertes pour dĂ©celer les tendances Ă©volutives suivies par les inventions. Les opportunitĂ©s sont dĂ©duites Ă  partir de l’analyse des cellules non pourvues de la matrice des dĂ©couvertes, de l’analyse par tendances d’évolution et du changement de concept par la substitution du convertisseur Ă©nergĂ©tique. Nous proposons des tendances d’évolution construites Ă  partir de lois d’évolution de la thĂ©orie TRIZ, d’heuristiques de conception et de rĂšgles de l’art de l’ingĂ©nieur. Un cas d’application concernant l’étude d’évolution et la proposition de nouveaux systĂšmes de sĂ©paration de mĂ©langes bi-phasiques en offshore profond met en valeur la mĂ©thode

    Conocimientos ancestrales y uso de plantas medicinales en la prevenciĂłn y tratamiento de la COVID- 19 en el PerĂș

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    El uso de plantas medicinales es una de las principales alternativas para el cuidado de la salud de los sujetos, especialmente en paĂ­ses megadiversos en cultura y riqueza herbolaria como el PerĂș, que a raĂ­z de la pandemia ha exhibido un sistema de salud colapsado debido a una gran tasa de contagios por la COVID-19. El objetivo de esta revisiĂłn bibliogrĂĄfica es describir el desarrollo de los conocimientos ancestrales y el uso de plantas medicinales, asĂ­ como su uso en la prevenciĂłn y tratamiento del COVID-19 en el PerĂș. Para ello, se realizĂł una bĂșsqueda en 4 repositorios: Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet y Google Escolar, seleccionando 22 estudios, en los que se evidencia que existe un alto desarrollo de la medicina tradicional, empleado el uso de plantas medicinales para menguar los efectos del COVID-19; ademĂĄs de fomentar su aplicaciĂłn para fortalecer el sistema inmunitario como medida preventiva

    Factores de riesgo relacionados al bullying en los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sånchez Carrión

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    En: Big Bang faustiniano : revista de investigaciĂłn cientĂ­fica, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 42-45Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo significativos del bullying en los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional JosĂ© Faustino SĂĄnchez CarriĂłn de Huacho. MĂ©todos: La poblaciĂłn estuvo conformada por 11000 estudiantes matriculados en el semestre acadĂ©mico 2014-I en la Sede de Huacho de las 12 Facultades y se tomĂł un muestreo aleatorio simple de 260 estudiantes. Los instrumentos utilizados para la recopilaciĂłn de datos fueron, el bullying la escala de Lyn Quine adecuado al contexto universitario mediante una escala de autoreporte, segĂșn Quine (2003) esta escala permite estimar el comportamiento persistente, ofensivo, abusivo intimidatorio, malicioso o insultante, abuso de poder lo cual hace que el receptor se sienta perturbado, amenazado, humillado o vulnerable afectando su integridad personal y para la disfunciĂłn familiar se empleĂł la ficha tĂ©cnica del Doctor Smilkstein, Gabriel evaluando cinco funciones bĂĄsicas: adaptaciĂłn, participaciĂłn, ganancia, afecto y recursos. Resultados: El 43,1% fueron estudiantes varones y 56,9% mujeres; sus edades estuvieron comprendidas entre 16 y 27 años siendo el promedio 19 años, el 21,2 % de los estudiantes han sufrido de bullying y el nivel de disfunciĂłn familiar distribuido: Grave, 10,8%; Leve con un 29,2% y Familia Funcional con 60,0%. Conclusiones: La edad estĂĄ relacionada con la presencia del bullying verbal y la disfunciĂłn familiar con la presencia del bullying psicolĂłgico con un nivel de confianza del 95%. El factor de riesgo asociado al bullying en el gĂ©nero femenino fue la disfunciĂłn familiar

    ?Puede el dinero electr?nico facilitar el otorgamiento de microcreditos? : an?lisis del caso del Parque Industrial de Villa El Salvador - sector calzado

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    El 17 de enero de 2013 se public? la Ley N? 29985, Ley que regula las caracter?sticas b?sicas del dinero electr?nico como instrumento de inclusi?n financiera. Es as? que el Per? se sum? a un grupo de pa?ses que a la fecha han implementado el dinero electr?nico, buscando fomentar una mayor inclusi?n financiera. En dicho contexto, se decidi? evaluar si el dinero electr?nico puede ser una herramienta de pago que permita facilitar el otorgamiento de microcr?ditos a los microempresarios y, considerando las caracter?sticas puntuales del dinero electr?nico, se crey? conveniente tener como objeto de la presente investigaci?n a los microempresarios del rubro de calzado del Parque Industrial de Villa El Salvador. El objetivo general de esta investigaci?n es determinar si el dinero electr?nico puede facilitar el otorgamiento de microcr?ditos a los microempresarios del rubro de calzado del Parque Industrial de Villa El Salvador

    Innovation aid methodology through patent exploitation and physical phenomena involved

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    L’objectif de ce travail de thĂšse est de dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thodologie d’extraction de connaissances Ă  partir de brevets pour aider les concepteurs dans la phase de rĂ©solution de problĂšmes industriels. La mĂ©thodologie est fondĂ©e sur trois piliers : la dĂ©finition, la recherche / analyse et l’innovation. La dĂ©finition exhaustive de la fonction principale du systĂšme industriel cible le champ de recherche et permet la rĂ©cupĂ©ration de mots clĂ©s initiaux grĂące Ă  une analyse approfondie de l’existant. La recherche itĂ©rative des brevets se base sur la dĂ©composition fonctionnelle et sur l’analyse physique. L’analyse intĂšgre la dĂ©composition fonctionnelle Ă©nergĂ©tique pour dĂ©celer les Ă©nergies, les flux fonctionnels transmis et les phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques impliquĂ©s dans le processus de conversion Ă©nergĂ©tique afin de sĂ©lectionner des effets physiques potentiellement pertinents. Pour dĂ©limiter le champ d’exploration nous formulons des requĂȘtes de recherche Ă  partir d’une base de donnĂ©es de mots clĂ©s constituĂ©e par des mots clĂ©s initiaux, des mots clĂ©s physiques et des mots clĂ©s technologiques. Une matrice des dĂ©couvertes basĂ©e sur les croisements entre ces mots clĂ©s permet le classement des brevets pertinents. La recherche des opportunitĂ©s d’innovation exploite la matrice des dĂ©couvertes pour dĂ©celer les tendances Ă©volutives suivies par les inventions. Les opportunitĂ©s sont dĂ©duites Ă  partir de l’analyse des cellules non pourvues de la matrice des dĂ©couvertes, de l’analyse par tendances d’évolution et du changement de concept par la substitution du convertisseur Ă©nergĂ©tique. Nous proposons des tendances d’évolution construites Ă  partir de lois d’évolution de la thĂ©orie TRIZ, d’heuristiques de conception et de rĂšgles de l’art de l’ingĂ©nieur. Un cas d’application concernant l’étude d’évolution et la proposition de nouveaux systĂšmes de sĂ©paration de mĂ©langes bi-phasiques en offshore profond met en valeur la mĂ©thode.The aim of this thesis work is the development of a methodology for knowledge extraction from patents to assist design engineers in the industrial problem-solving phase. The methodology is based on three pillars: definition, search / analysis and innovation. A comprehensive definition of the main function of the industrial system delimits the research field and allows the retrieval of initial keywords through a detailed analysis of what is currently available. The iterative patent search is based on functional decomposition and physical analysis. The analysis phase uses energy functional decomposition to identify energies, transmitted functional flows and physical phenomena involved in the energy conversion process in order to select potentially relevant physical effects. To delineate the exploration field we formulate search queries from a keywords database composed by initial, physical, and technological keywords. A discovery matrix based on the intersections between these keywords allows the classification of pertinent patents. The research for innovation opportunities exploits the discovery matrix in order to decipher the evolutionary trends followed by inventions. Opportunities are deduced from an analysis of the discovery matrix empty cells, an analysis of the evolution trends, and from changing the concept by energy converter substitution. We propose evolution trends constructed from the evolution laws of TRIZ theory, design heuristics, and rules of the art of the engineering. An application case concerning the study of the evolution and the proposal of innovative biphasic separation systems in deep offshore highlights the method

    Innovation aid methodology through patent exploitation and physical phenomena involved

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    L’objectif de ce travail de thĂšse est de dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thodologie d’extraction de connaissances Ă  partir de brevets pour aider les concepteurs dans la phase de rĂ©solution de problĂšmes industriels. La mĂ©thodologie est fondĂ©e sur trois piliers : la dĂ©finition, la recherche / analyse et l’innovation. La dĂ©finition exhaustive de la fonction principale du systĂšme industriel cible le champ de recherche et permet la rĂ©cupĂ©ration de mots clĂ©s initiaux grĂące Ă  une analyse approfondie de l’existant. La recherche itĂ©rative des brevets se base sur la dĂ©composition fonctionnelle et sur l’analyse physique. L’analyse intĂšgre la dĂ©composition fonctionnelle Ă©nergĂ©tique pour dĂ©celer les Ă©nergies, les flux fonctionnels transmis et les phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques impliquĂ©s dans le processus de conversion Ă©nergĂ©tique afin de sĂ©lectionner des effets physiques potentiellement pertinents. Pour dĂ©limiter le champ d’exploration nous formulons des requĂȘtes de recherche Ă  partir d’une base de donnĂ©es de mots clĂ©s constituĂ©e par des mots clĂ©s initiaux, des mots clĂ©s physiques et des mots clĂ©s technologiques. Une matrice des dĂ©couvertes basĂ©e sur les croisements entre ces mots clĂ©s permet le classement des brevets pertinents. La recherche des opportunitĂ©s d’innovation exploite la matrice des dĂ©couvertes pour dĂ©celer les tendances Ă©volutives suivies par les inventions. Les opportunitĂ©s sont dĂ©duites Ă  partir de l’analyse des cellules non pourvues de la matrice des dĂ©couvertes, de l’analyse par tendances d’évolution et du changement de concept par la substitution du convertisseur Ă©nergĂ©tique. Nous proposons des tendances d’évolution construites Ă  partir de lois d’évolution de la thĂ©orie TRIZ, d’heuristiques de conception et de rĂšgles de l’art de l’ingĂ©nieur. Un cas d’application concernant l’étude d’évolution et la proposition de nouveaux systĂšmes de sĂ©paration de mĂ©langes bi-phasiques en offshore profond met en valeur la mĂ©thode.The aim of this thesis work is the development of a methodology for knowledge extraction from patents to assist design engineers in the industrial problem-solving phase. The methodology is based on three pillars: definition, search / analysis and innovation. A comprehensive definition of the main function of the industrial system delimits the research field and allows the retrieval of initial keywords through a detailed analysis of what is currently available. The iterative patent search is based on functional decomposition and physical analysis. The analysis phase uses energy functional decomposition to identify energies, transmitted functional flows and physical phenomena involved in the energy conversion process in order to select potentially relevant physical effects. To delineate the exploration field we formulate search queries from a keywords database composed by initial, physical, and technological keywords. A discovery matrix based on the intersections between these keywords allows the classification of pertinent patents. The research for innovation opportunities exploits the discovery matrix in order to decipher the evolutionary trends followed by inventions. Opportunities are deduced from an analysis of the discovery matrix empty cells, an analysis of the evolution trends, and from changing the concept by energy converter substitution. We propose evolution trends constructed from the evolution laws of TRIZ theory, design heuristics, and rules of the art of the engineering. An application case concerning the study of the evolution and the proposal of innovative biphasic separation systems in deep offshore highlights the method

    A new method for extracting knowledge from patents to inspire designers during the problem-solving phase

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    Nowadays, patents are more than an industrial property protection,they constitute a considerable source of information. Several approaches deal with the extraction of pertinent information from patents, some of them translate that information into useful knowledge for problem-solving purposes. However, very few methods use a physical approach and a consistent analysis of the main function inthe problem definition phase. This paper proposes a new method to inspire designers with ideas and analogous solutions. The objective is to contribute to solve complex technical problems by exploiting knowledge found in patent documents. The method is divided into three sections: problem definition, research and analysis, and innovation.The first two sections use iteratively a knowledge base formed by pertinent keywords related to the problem context, physical keywords from functional decomposition and physical analysis, and technological keywords recovered through patent analysis. In the third section, interesting patents are classified in a structured discovery matrix from the physical phenomena involved which are crossed in accordance with the related techniques found. The method is supported by a physical effects database of energy conversion and by evolution trends of technical systems. A deep offshore biphasic separator illustrates the method